Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! This may be coming a day late, but it’s here nonetheless. I hope everyone had a very relaxing Christmas full of good food, great company, and a relaxing day. Christmas is always a busy day with me, as with divorced parents I’m here, there, and everywhere making sure I visit everyone but don’t get me wrong, it’s the good kind of busy and I wouldn’t have it any other way. The company is always good, the food is always amazing, and the memories made are always the best. For me, the festivities start Christmas Eve and continue for Christmas, and sometimes Boxing Day. But I have to be honest, the holidays can be a bit of a challenge when you have a disease. This is true for some who don’t have a disease as well. Just as the holidays are a source of great positives, the negatives are also sometimes lingering just off in the shadows.
For me, that shadow is my Ulcerative Colitis. While the food is amazing, my disease is one that is affected by what I eat. Sometimes I can see what’s coming my way and avoid the food and sometimes I can’t but over the last two years, my disease has acted up on Christmas Eve and Christmas. It makes it hard sometimes, I must admit, to enjoy everything when there is constant pain in my abdomen or a constant need to use the washroom. Even the lead up to the holidays is challenging. The Christmas shopping rush can be quite the trouble when you have to balance the shopping, cashing out, and urge to run to the bathroom. The stressful atmosphere of a shopping center doesn’t contribute in a positive way either. Yet, even with all these troubles, I still love Christmas. It is still my favorite time of year. Yes, I struggle with my disease over this time especially, but I don’t let it consume me.
I could definitely see how Christmas could become the worst time of year for someone. Seeing so many happy posts about family and tons of food, or all the cool activities people are doing. It would be so easy for me to center on that and get sad thinking about my limitations. I can’t do this though, I don’t want to be unhappy. I take a much different route. It’s not always easy, but to me it is the only way to look at anything. Rather than think about what I can do, or what I can’t have, or even my certain conditions I have to meet (like running to the bathroom), I shift my focus onto the great things I have. Somedays this may be as simple as the fact that I’m alive, doing what I enjoy and other days it could be just being thankful for something tiny like the food I am able to eat. The point is, there are always positives in life, and these are the things we have to focus on. For example, here’s what I focus on in certain situations.
I explained my shopping mall scenario earlier. I need access to a washroom, that’s just my life right now. That being said, there are times to be stubborn and then there are times to just give in to disease. This is one of the times I give in. There are times that this constant urge brings me to the brink of misery, but I always try to remember that my exams are done, and I’m out shopping for others to get them something they would enjoy. I spin the negative into positive. It’s not necessarily even spinning the thought but rather redirecting focus and often enough that works. Christmas Eve and Christmas are the easiest times to refocus. There are family and friends, good food, and good times. I can take the pain and annoyance away by focusing on these things and being in the moment. It’s these things that help get me by, and in the end, help me to really enjoy the holidays.
The deeper message here is not allowing whatever it is that is plaguing you to take over. I mentioned before this may not even be a disease. Many people partake in diets over the holidays. This is the worst season for dieting with all the food and temptation. Imagine if you cheat on your diet, and just go all in. That only leads to more guilt and crappy feeling (trust me, been there, done that). But it doesn’t have to. Use the same kind of thing. Don’t focus so much on the sweet dessert you aren’t eating, and focus more on the laughs and good times. Take in the family time, and the time to relax away from work. Enjoy the rest and be in the moment!
Now, this is easier said than done, no matter what it is your switching focus from. Like anything else, it takes practice. But I can tell you that it is possible. Your positives may not match to mine either. These things need to be personal things, they need to be things with meaning. Yet, once you get the hang of it, you’re in business. At the end of the day, just remember, the holidays are a time to rest, relax, recoup, and enjoy whatever it is you need to enjoy. Take the time and enjoy it. You’ve most likely deserved it! So once again, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas.