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Articles, Stories, and Such
Sport Psych 101: On Losing and Failing
I hate losing. I hate it with a passion. As someone who is pretty competitive, whenever I lose at anything, be it in sport or even in a...
Life has a Way to Switch Things Up on You: Keeping Perspective
I’ve always considered myself fairly lucky, disease part aside. Even with all the schooling I’ve done, and all the jobs I’ve had, I’ve...
Theory: A Brief Alternative for Those Too Sick to Play
One thing I have often struggled with when writing certain articles is that fact that there will be people out there that simply are in...
Disability Does Not Mean Give Up
Today, I offer an article that may be taken with resistance; however, it is something that I feel needs to be said. Truthfully, I see all...
How Bad Do You Want to Get Better?
It doesn’t come easy. Let’s get this out there right now. Getting back to health after that disease relapse, or initial onset, is not...
A Year and Still Going Strong
So it has been officially over a year since I started AFL. I have gone from playing intramural futsal at my school to playing full 11v11...
Success Through Perseverance: A Perfect Example
So last week an opportunity hit me in the face. Some friends from work who play in the Men’s A division of my coed team needed a keeper....
Not Always a Solution: Sometimes it's About Limiting Damage and Coping With Disease
Everyone loves when there is a solution to the problem they are facing. It could be a financial solution, a math equation, or even as...
The Need for an Offseason
Back in my martial arts days, I must admit I wasn’t all too intelligent with my concept of proper training. I now know that trying to...
You Can't Win Them All, But You Can Find Victory in Defeat
The final whistle had barely finished blowing and I already felt like garbage. The semi-final game had just finished, and I played...
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